My research largely emphasizes employees' idiosyncratic experiences at work. Primarily, I research topics that include the work-family interface, leadership, employee identity, and employee well-being. I also have interests in HR practices and firm-level research. My expertise in analytics has also allowed me to contribute to a number of research projects in other areas, and also led me to do work in the areas of structural equation modeling, scale development, and psychometrics. Here is a list of my published and ongoing work:


Crawford, W. and Lamarre Jean, E. (2020). Structural Equation Modeling. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press.

Thompson, M. J., Carlson, D., Hackney, K., & Crawford, W. S. (2020). With a little help from my (her) friends: The role of friend support on the negative effects of work engagement for married couples. Journal of Vocational Behavior.

Brown, L., Goll, I., Rasheed, A., & Crawford, W. S. (2020). Responses to regulation: Nonmarket strategies and their performance outcomes. In-press at Group and Organization Management.

Wayne, J. H., Matthews, R., Crawford, W. S., Casper, W. (2020). Predictors and processes of work-family balance satisfaction: Examining the roles of personal, work, and family resources and conflict and enrichment. In-press at Human Resource Management, 59, 25-42.

Crawford, W. S., Lamarre, E., Kacmar, K. M., & Harris, K. J. (2019). Politics and deviance: Exploring the role of political skill. In-press at Human Performance, 32, 92-106.

Carlson, D. S., Thompson, M., Crawford, W. S., & Kacmar, K. M. (2019). Spillover and crossover of work resources: A test of the positive flow of resources through work-family enrichment. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40, 709-722.

Crawford, W. S., Kacmar, K. M., & Harris, K. J. (2019). Do you see me as I see me? The effects of impression management congruence of actors and audiences. Journal of Business and Psychology, 34, 453-469. 

*Crawford, W. S., Thompson, M. J., Ashforth, B. E. (2019). Work-life events theory: Making sense of shock events in dual-earner couples. Academy of Management Review, 44, 194-212.
*equal contribution from first and second author

Tillman, C.J., Gonzalez, K., Crawford, W. S., & Lawrence, E.R. (2018). Affective responses to abuse in the workplace: The role of hope and affective commitment. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 26, 57-65.

Tillman, C. J., Gonzalez, K., Whitman, M., Crawford, W. S., & Hood, A. C. (2018). A multi-functional view of moral disengagement: Exploring the effects of learning the consequences. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2286.

Carlson, D. S., Thompson, M., Crawford, W. S., Boswell, W., & Whitten, D. (2018). Your job is messing with mine! mWork’s impact on the spouse’s work life. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23, 471-482.

Crawford, W. S., Shanine, K. K., Whitman, M. V, & Kacmar, K. M. (2016). Examining the impostor phenomenon and work-family conflict. Journal of Managerial Psychology31, 375-390.

Halbesleben, J. R. B., Whitman, M. V., & Crawford, W. S. (2014). A dialectical theory of the decision to attend work: Bringing together absenteeism and presenteeism. Human Resource Management Review24, 177-192.

 Kacmar, K. M., Crawford, W. S., Carlson, D. S., Ferguson, M., & Whitten, D. (2014). A short and valid measure of work-family enrichment. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology19, 32-45.


Crawford, W. S., Valenzuela, M., Ross, J., Zare, M., Kacmar, K. M., Tillman, C. J. High-quality exchange relationships with the violated leader: Testing an assumption of leader-member exchange. Under 4th review at Leadership Quarterly.

Thompson, M. J., Carlson, D., Crawford, W. S., & Kacmar, K. M.  My partner made me do it: The crossover of one partner's job tension to the other partner's workplace incivility. Under 2nd review at Human Performance.

Thompson, M. J., Hackney, K., Crawford, W. S., Bonner, J. M., & Carlson, D. S. Partner Psychological Abuse: Can You Leave Home at Work? Under review at Personnel Psychology.

Thompson, M. J., Carlson, D., Crawford, W. S., Kacmar, K. M., & Weaver, S. My supervisor makes me sick! Gendered effects of abusive supervision on healthcare utilization. Under review at Journal of Vocational Behavior.

Crawford, W. S., Jean, E. L., & Weaver, N. Identity Work Support: Development and Validation of a Scale for Assessing Organizational Support for Identity Work. Under review at Journal of Applied Psychology.

Crawford, W. S., Weaver, N., Miles, J., Andrews, M., & Kacmar, K. M. Reactions to Ethical Leadership: The Effect of Locus of Control. Preparing for submission to Journal of Managerial Psychology.


Moore, O. A., Crawford, W. S., Margolin, D., & Susskind, A. M. Layoff survivors’ workplace communication networks and performance: A longitudinal analysis during an organizational downsizing. Final revisions and preparing for submission to Journal of Management

 Castille, C. M., Crawford, W. S., & Simmering, M. You gotta keep em’ separated: The efficacy of proximal remedies for method variance. Preparing for submission to Journal of Management.

Jean, E. L., Miller, C. D., Crawford, W. S., & Hall, A. Racial similarity, LMX and subordinate outcomes: Does it matter if you're black or white? Current stage: Writing/Data collection. Target: Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Crawford, W. S., & Thompson, M. J. When fitness athletes become corporate athletes: A theory of cross-domain identity transmission. Current stage: Writing. Target: Academy of Management Review.  

Moore, O. A., Bell, B. S., Mistry, S., & Crawford, W. S. The effects of multiple team membership, interteam communication, and role ambiguity on sub-team performance. Current stage: Writing/Data Analysis. Target: Organization Science.

Weaver, N., Crawford, W. S., & Jean, E. L. Breaking character at work. Current stage: Writing/Data Analysis. Target: Journal of Applied Psychology.

Crawford, W. S., Weaver, N. How fluctuations in work-family conflict and work-family enrichment differentially predict changes in organizational outcomes: The impact of regulatory focus. Current stage: Writing/Data Analysis. Target: Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Zare, M., Crawford, W. S., & Flinchbaugh, C. LMX and transformational leadership: A critical review. Preparing for submission to Journal of Vocational Behavior.


Jean, E. L. & Crawford, W. S. Development and Validation of an Identity Climate Scale. Accepted for presentation to the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Weaver, N. & Crawford, W. S. How fluctuations in work-family conflict and work-family enrichment differentially predict changes in organizational outcomes: The impact of regulatory focus. Accepted for presentation to the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Brock-Baskin, M., Gruys, M., Winterberg, C., & Crawford, W. S. Monkey see, monkey do, monkey tell? Examining supervisor and peer reports of counterproductive work behaviors. Submitted for presentation to the 2020 Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management, Dublin, Ireland.

Amerkamali, F., Casper, W., & Crawford, W. S. Traditional Values, Gender, Role Identity Salience, and Work-Home Permeability Behavior: How Men and Women Manage Boundaries at Work and Home. Accepted for presentation at the 2020 Meeting of the Work-Family Researchers Network, New York, NY.

Weaver, N. & Crawford, W. S. Work-family fluctuations: How fluctuations in conflict and enrichment differentially predict changes in organizational outcomes. Accepted for presentation at the 2020 Meeting of the Work-Family Researchers Network, New York, NY.

Thompson, M. J., Carlson, D., Crawford, W. S., Kacmar, K. M., & Weaver, S. Increased healthcare utilization as a product of abusive supervision: The role of gender. Accepted for presentation at the Annual meeting of the Western Academy of Management, Waikoloa Village, HI.

Crawford, W. S. Testing Popular Models in Micro-Research Using Mplus. PDI Presented at 2019 Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association, Norfolk, VA.

Jean, E. L., Miller, C. D., & Crawford, W. S. Racial similarity, LMX and subordinate outcomes: Does it matter if you're black or white? 2019 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.

Crawford, W. S., Ferguson, M. J. Work-life events theory: Making sense of shock events in dual-earner couples. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.
